
Research Apprenticeship Program

Research provides the substance for scholarship in anthropology across all of its sub-fields. The opportunity to participate in research is a valuable means by which to enrich students’ experiences and expand their understanding of anthropology.

Stucco facade, Chahk, the rain god, c. AD 400, Structure 58-1
Stucco facade, Chahk, the rain god, c. AD 400, Structure 58-1. Image by CAST, University of Arkansas, courtesy of the Brown University Archaeology Project, Stephen Houston, Director.

The Department of Anthropology invites applications from anthropology concentrators to propose research collaborations with department faculty. As research apprentices, individual students will work directly with a department faculty member on faculty research. Students interested in participating in faculty research should approach the particular professor with whom they would like to work. Individual faculty members will be responsible for determining the student(s) with whom they will apply for departmental support.

Students supported in research apprenticeships by the department will be provided a $500 stipend for each semester of work. While apprenticeships can be for a semester or a full academic year, the hope is that most partnerships will last beyond a single semester.

These apprenticeships can also provide a gateway for the development of proposals for research opportunities at Brown and beyond.

Rainy season in Owerri, Nigeria
Rainy season in Owerri, Nigeria
Applications should be submitted to the Director of Undergraduate Research at the start of each semester. For the specific deadline, check the undergraduate calendar of events.  If additional funds remain, applications will be accepted after each semester's deadline. Notice of awards will be given roughly one week after the deadline.

Applications should consist of a one-page proposal from the student, developed in consultation with the faculty mentor, explaining the research project that the student will be involved in (including the topic and research questions) and the specific tasks that the student will undertake. The proposal should be signed by the faculty mentor.

Although funds for these apprenticeships are limited, the Department of Anthropology encourages students to pursue opportunities for collaboration with faculty even when funds for such work are not available from the department.