

West Bengal photo
Village deity, Khandarani surrounded by offerings of terracotta horses and elephants made over the years. Bankura, West Bengal, 2018. Photo by: Ahona Palchoudhuri
Each year, the department receives over 150 applications for graduate study. We have typically made offers of admission to roughly 8-10 students per year, all of whom are guaranteed six years of stipend and tuition remission. Our annual cohort size of entering students is large enough to have lively, stimulating discussions in seminar courses but small enough to maximize the financial support we can provide and to promote intensive faculty mentorship. In addition, the department, interdisciplinary units at Brown, and the graduate school all have a wide range of supplemental funds available to graduate students, on either a competitive or need-based basis, for needs directly related to the program of study such as summer research funding, conference travel, and language learning.

External Funding

Peruvian celebration in Madrid, 2009
Peruvian celebration in Madrid, Spain

Entering students are strongly encouraged to apply for additional external funding to support their time at Brown, such as the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.

Third-year students pursue external funding to support their upcoming dissertation fieldwork. Faculty provide advice and mentorship to students as they apply for these funds. Some of these opportunities can be found on a  student-generated list (you must have a Brown email to access this list). Others can be accessed through the Graduate School’s list of external funding opportunities.