The value of the training we offer is reflected in the success of our graduates. They have found academic and professional positions at leading universities and colleges, museums, research centers, and in industry, where they draw directly on their anthropological expertise.
While all of our doctoral students complete a core curriculum stressing comprehensive grounding in the field’s key methods and theories, our students specialize in one of three areas of faculty strength: socio-cultural anthropology, anthropological archaeology, and linguistic anthropology. Some students further specialize in one of our particular areas of strength, including demographic anthropology, the anthropology of development, Mesoamerican archaeology, historical archaeology, medical anthropology, urban anthropology, environmental anthropology, and gender. Some of these specializations entail formal affiliation with other units on campus, including the Population Studies and Training Center and the Graduate Program in Development.
Prospective students should review our information on admissions and funding before making contact with our graduate studies administrators.