Each 15-min M.A. presentation will be followed by a 5-min Q&A:
9:30-9:40AM: Intro/Welcome
9:40-10:00AM: Ashley May — Tending to a Sacred Past: Memory, Aurality, and the Space/Time Imaginary at Dirre Sheikh Hussein
10:00-10:20AM: Moi Herrera-Parra — Cultivating Milpas and Harvesting Ethnoecological Practices: A Paleoethnobotanical Study of Plant Use in the Classic Period Site of Lacanjá-Tzeltal
10:20-10:40AM: Creighton Burns — The Right to Look and Bear Witness: Visualizing US Occupation in Guåhan
10:40-11:00AM: Daniel Krugman — The Localization Game: Equitizing Experts and (Re)making Globality at Africa’s Premier Population and Health Research Center
11:00-11:10AM: Break
11:10-11:30AM: Madeline Nicholson — Adopting Change: Intergenerational Dynamics of Transnational Adoptee Kinship & Advocacy in Norway
11:30-11:50AM: Gonzalo Aguirre — The distribution of the sensible in the salmon modernity of Chiloe and the Chilean Patagonia
11:50AM-12:10PM: Mira Guth — More Bugs, Less Drugs: Veterinary Interventions in the Multispecies Health Issue of Antibiotic Resistance
12:10-12:30PM: Lily Swaine-Moore (A.B. presentation) — In[Sight]s: An Ethnographic Exploration of Diagnosis, Meaning-making, and the Visual Sense in Artists with Stargardt Disease
12:30-1:30PM: Lunch/Q&A