
Rebecca B. Galemba

Associate Professor at Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Dener and Co-Director of the DU Center for Immigration and Policy Research (CIPR)
Ph.D. Dissertation Cultures of Contraband: Contesting (II) Legality at the Mexico-Guatemala Border, 2009




Galemba, Rebecca and Randall Kuhn. "La Cadena: vida y negocio en el límite entre México y Guatemala" (2021)
Galemba, Rebecca and Randall Kuhn. “No Place for Old Men: Wage Theft and Immigrant Duration, among Day Laborers in Denver, Colorado.” International Migration Review. Online first April 5, 2021

Galemba, Rebecca B. 2021. “‘They Steal our Work’: Wage Theft and the Criminalization of

Immigrant Day Laborers in Colorado, USA.” European Journal of Criminal Policy and

Research. 27(1): 91-112. 


Galemba, Rebecca B., Katie Dingeman, and Kaelyn DeVries. “Gateway to the North: Contingent

Journeys at the Mexico-Guatemala Border.” Journal of Latin American and Caribbean

Anthropology 26(1) Online first November 10, 2020


Kemp, Paul and Galemba, Rebecca. 2020. “Illicit Trade and Smuggling.” In Oxford Bibliographies in International Relations. Ed. Patrick James. NY: Oxford University Press.