
Rebecca Carter Selected for New Brown University Digital Publication

The Brown University Library and Brown University Center for Digital Publications have announced the selection of the next four scholarly works to be developed by CDS, including "Going through the Motions: Animations of Black Being in the Breaks" by Rebecca Carter, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Urban Studies.

The Brown University Library and Brown University Center for Digital Publications have announced the selection of the next four scholarly works to be developed by CDS, including "Going through the Motions: Animations of Black Being in the Breaks" by Rebecca Carter, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Urban Studies.

Carter's scholarly work is a meditation on Black death and its transformation, exploring the shift to Black aliveness in both scholarly work and everyday practice. A project of Black Study inspired by ethnohistoric and ethnographic fieldwork in New Orleans, this short-form digital publication will consist of several connected essays accompanied by a series of visual and moving portraits of Black people who grapple with conditions of precarity and death but also find ways to conceptualize and embody Black aliveness as an aesthetic, orientation, or other mode of being. The animated scenes are crafted from interview recordings, archival materials, photographs, and sound, set in motion through new drawing, painting, collage, and stop motion photography. Together with the essays, the book presents a narrative arc and multimodal experience through which readers/viewers/listeners can witness and follow Black ways of being, knowing, and doing. 

Read the press release